What my clients say

Training and coaching


Karen Nanninga has the abili­ty to encou­ra­ge through her gent­le yet deter­mi­ned com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and helps you beco­me clea­rer about yours­elf through self-reflection. She always has an open ear for her par­ti­ci­pan­ts, also after the semi­nar days. Every par­ti­ci­pant bene­fits from her know­ledge and expe­ri­ence, and becau­se of her posi­ti­ve, calm natu­re, it’s just fun to learn and to advan­ce with her. 

Christiane Heim
Assistant Sales of Bayerische Milchindustrie eG / Germany

With plea­su­re I remem­ber Karen Nanninga’s two-day semi­nar “Die GF-Assistenz” and I do high­ly recom­mend it. It still has a las­ting impact on my pro­fes­sio­nal life. I am now much bet­ter able to cope with uncer­tain­ties, espe­ci­al­ly in chal­len­ging peri­ods, due to her advice and broad varie­ty of inten­si­ve exer­ci­s­es. To address indi­vi­du­al pro­fes­sio­nal situa­tions belon­ged, as a mat­ter of cour­se, to Karen Nanninga’s approach. The varied mix bet­ween theo­ry and prac­ti­ce was excellent. 

Simone Hahn
Assistant to the Executive Board / Germany

Mission Possible .… Through my coa­ching, Karen Nanninga show­ed me the way from impos­si­ble to pos­si­ble. The per­spec­ti­ves that we have work­ed out hel­ped me to put not only pro­fes­sio­nal but also pri­va­te mat­ters in the right light. Even with a trau­ma, the coa­ching with Karen Nanninga hel­ped me to see light at the end of the tun­nel. I can use the rou­ti­nes and per­spec­ti­ves in ever­y­day life time and again. In order to deve­lop my full poten­ti­al and achie­ve the desi­red goal, I had to enga­ge in the coa­ching and trust Karen Nanninga to a 100%. I have never reg­ret­ted this step! The ses­si­ons with her have led my life in a direc­tion that I had not thought would be pos­si­ble before.

Eileen Penneckendorf
Team Assistant, Marketing, Sales, PR / Germany

I asked Karen after a semi­nar to beco­me my coach. I espe­ci­al­ly lik­ed the self-governing cha­rac­ter of the coa­ching ses­si­ons. The coa­chee deter­mi­nes the issue and we work with what is pre­sent in the moment. Karen crea­tes a safe space, asks powerful ques­ti­ons and, in doing so, comes to the heart of the mat­ter. The result is that I’ve lear­ned a lot about mys­elf, got clear what makes me hap­py, and I can mas­ter chal­len­ging situa­tions more confidently. 

Peter Pestoor
Senior Advisor Risk Management / The Netherlands

Karen is an out­stan­ding coach, an excel­lent trai­ner and semi­nar lea­der. She is a loving, talen­ted, sen­si­ti­ve, under­stan­ding, wise and know­led­geable per­son and pro­fes­sio­nal. She has the rare gift of lea­ding and sup­port­ing you into the dis­co­very of your true path in life. We met at an inter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rence in New Zealand, I have invi­ted Karen twice as a spea­k­er to a con­fe­rence in Brazil, we met again at the EUMA con­fe­rence in Amsterdam. The mee­tings and con­ver­sa­ti­ons with her have affec­ted my life sus­tain­ab­ly. She beca­me my coach at a dif­fi­cult time in my life and has accom­pa­nied me on my inner path, even though we live in dif­fe­rent parts of the world. The distance does not mat­ter becau­se Karen is capa­ble of buil­ding an inten­si­ve inter­per­so­nal connection. 

Patricia Bretas
English tea­cher, Interpreter-Translator / Brazil



Karen Nanninga has work­ed for SMI as a trai­ner and coach for many years and she is one of our top lec­tu­r­ers. This is reflec­ted by the very good reviews and the feed­back from the par­ti­ci­pan­ts. She knows what mana­gers need and she trans­la­tes this to the par­ti­ci­pan­ts’ day-to-day work life. She makes manage­ment lan­guage tan­gi­ble and shows the way from chal­lenges to con­cre­te solu­ti­ons. Karen Nanninga cle­ar­ly points to bar­riers and she lets peo­p­le look into the mir­ror, so that it beco­mes clear what can be impro­ved. She is always posi­tively cri­ti­cal and open to feed­back. Continuous per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment is a major con­cern to her and she is also con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping hers­elf. Through Karen’s pro­fes­sio­na­lism, exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence and know­ledge of the pro­fes­si­on, it is an enrich­ment to deve­lop new pro­grams with her, and I look for­ward to many years of fruitful collaboration. 

Sabine Slagter
Senior Education Manager, SMI (Secretary Management Institute) / The Netherlands