Training and consulting

Play the cel­lo: On the instru­ment, the fin­gers of the left hand and the right arm coope­ra­te to crea­te a uni­que melo­dy from indi­vi­du­al notes. What a won­derful meta­phor for working tog­e­ther in the team “Management – Assistant”.


“Take respon­si­bi­li­ty proac­tively, deve­lop com­pe­tence, live your strengths and talents, remo­ve your bar­riers and shape your own con­tri­bu­ti­on.” is my gui­de­line for my work with and for manage­ment assistants. I teach this in trai­nings, semi­nars, work­shops and cour­ses. In a safe and open-minded lear­ning envi­ron­ment each par­ti­ci­pant can link theo­ry and prac­ti­ce, in order to sus­tain­ab­ly inte­gra­te new insights and tools. What counts after all is the trans­fer to one’s own dai­ly work life and the deve­lo­p­ment and expan­si­on of per­so­nal professionalism.



My appeal to manage­ment assistants:

What moves your boss also moves you.
You can make your own con­tri­bu­ti­on to achie­ving the orga­niza­tio­nal goals. Experience and com­pe­tence are important ingre­di­ents. Just as important is the under­stan­ding and know­ledge of the­se goals and management’s prio­ri­ties. This will enable you to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to anti­ci­pa­te, to initia­te, to set your own (deri­ved) prio­ri­ties and to offer effec­ti­ve manage­ment support.

Your role is more than your job description.
In order to work effec­tively in the team Superior – Assistant, you need more than to know how to lead your secre­ta­ri­at. What con­tri­bu­ti­on can you make to achie­ve the goals? How can you ask the right ques­ti­ons and set the right prio­ri­ties? Design your per­so­nal added value through com­pe­tence, awa­re­ness, goal ori­en­ta­ti­on, fle­xi­bi­li­ty and initia­ti­ve, in the con­text of your posi­ti­on. Use your talents and interests.

Change is omni­pre­sent: Recognize it as an oppor­tu­ni­ty for yourself.
Be pre­pared for (future) chan­ges and ask yours­elf what con­se­quen­ces the­se will have for your tasks. Develop and expand your com­pe­tence accor­din­gly, look for oppor­tu­ni­ties to beco­me invol­ved. Communicate your ide­as, dis­cuss with your mana­ger how you can expand your own con­tri­bu­ti­on. In this way, you, your manager(s), your col­le­agues and your com­pa­ny will bene­fit from your commitment.


My main sub­jects for trai­ning, semi­nars and workshops:
• To build the team manager/assistant
• To shape added value from the role and the position
• To under­stand orga­niza­ti­ons and to learn manage­ment tools
• Tools for set­ting and rea­ching goals
• Priority and time management
• Mental trai­ning for per­so­nal effectiveness
• (Intercultural) Communication
• English in business
• Coaching skills for the assistant
• Project management